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UPC_CodeThe GTIN in UPC12 format (with or without leading zeros) 711464013368
Product NameThe full name of the product blue dragon light coconut milk
Product BrandThe full brand name Blue Dragon
Product Description
Ingredient List
Product Quantity DescriptionA description of the quantity 12 pack 13.5 oz each
Product Type Your own product type coconut milk
Product CategoryYour product category dairy and eggs
Product URLThe URL for the product and its information
Product Main ImageThe URL for the main product image
CaloriesCalorie value 70
Protein (g)Protein in grams 1
Total Sugars (g)Total sugar amount 1
Added Sugars (g)Total added sugars amount 0
Sodium (mg)Sodium in milligrams 20
Cholesterol (mg)Cholesterol in milligrams 0
Vitamin A (%)% Daily value of vitamin A 0
Vitamin C (%)% Daily value of vitamin C 0
Calcium (%)% Daily value of calcium 0
Iron (%)% Daily value of iron 0
Total Fat (g)Total amount of fat in grams7
Saturated Fat (g)Amount of saturated fat in grams 6
Trans Fat (g)Amount of trasnsaturated fat in grams 0
Dietary Fiber (g)Total dietary fiber in grams 0
Potassium (%)% Daily value of potassium 0
Vitamin D (%)% Daily value of vitamin D 0
Folate (%)% Daily value of folate 0
Serving Size Household UnitsServing size in household units (Tbsp, cup, pack, etc.) 1/3 cup
Serving Size Measurement (Volume/Weight)Serving size amount (number) 2.67
Serving Size UnitUnit of measurement for the serving size ("oz" or "fl oz") fl oz
Serving Size in Metric UnitsMetric equivalent serving size ("20 g", "13.5 ml", "100 mg", etc.) 80 ml
Number of ServingsNumber of servings in the container 5
Total Carbohydrate (g)Total carbohydrate in grams 2
Comma-separated list of label certications
certified organic, certified gluten-free